Author: Kevin Chow

K-Nearest Neigbors Algorithm

K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) is a supervised machine learning algorithm. It is very interpretable and straightforward. The most common use case of KNN is for classification problems (It can be used to solve regression problems though). To predict the class of a new data point, it considers the classes of its “K” number of nearest data […]

An Overview of Logistic Regression

What is logistic regression? When we are dealing with problems that require prediction of outcomes in binary classes, simple linear regression does not suffice. Imagining that it will be hard to fit a straight line to two distinctly separate data groups. The output of linear regression is continuous and can go to infinity. Here shed […]

A Brief Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is an essential step in understanding the data we have in hand, so we can have a general idea of what the data is about and its characteristics (e.g., distribution, descriptive statistics, abnormalities). It’s a technique to investigate and manipulate data sets by employing visualization and summary statistics to discover hidden […]

Object Oriented Programming and Class

Near the year’s end, holidays and gatherings with family and friends have put me to postpone updating for a while. As 2022 officially ended, it’s worth spending some time to reflect on the things we have gone through and learnt. Personally, I started a new role in forex, picked up workout habits, chartered as a […]

What is Data Science?

Before starting a journey, the unavoidable question is, where are we heading ultimately? Having a holistic view of the journey better prepares us to understand the hurdles that await us and keep our expectations aligned with reality. Thanks to the advance in computer hardware which bring us more computational power, it enables processing and storing […]

Lambda Function

What is lambda function? Lambda function is an anonymous function or function without explicit definition, which can take in multiple parameters with single line expression. Since lambda is an anonymous function not designed to be stored, assigning a lambda function to a variable is not encouraged. Lambda functions are commonly used along with filter(), map(), […]

Finding the Max

If we are presented with a list of different numbers, how will we identify the largest one? This question sounds straightforward. Using simple arithmetic, we can easily compare different values inside the list and get the largest one. But what if the numbers get more extensive and the list length gets too long to handle? […]

The Idea of Control Flow

“Control” is the rule or order given to someone or something’s behaviour. “Control flow” in the context of Computer Science is the order of statements executed when a program is running. Code without control flow is just simply “code” literally, and it’s hard to put into practice. It is the building block of an algorithm. […]

Week 0 – Shooting Range

To kick start my programming journey, I followed some Youtuber’s advice to enrol on the famous “CS50: Introduction to Computer Science” offered by Havard University. A free course from an Ivy League school? Why not! Week 0 has gone through the basic idea of computer science and how engineers use algorithms to solve problems. Professor […]